Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Make Chapati

Every night I have the pleasure of eating some of the most delicious food in the world. Four young women from Assam combine the flavours of fresh coconuts, pumpkin, tapioca, and local fish with chilies, home made curd and banana stem from the back garden to prepare a delicious meal. And I have been learning to make chapati with the experts.

Mix together flour, salt, boiling water and a little coconut oil.

Combine to form the dough.

Knead until soft and pliable. Form into flying saucers.

Roll out thinly, working in a circle.

I give it a try.

Continue until many lovely circles appear.

Now into the frying pan. (It's a cast iron plate actually.)

Turn frequently, encouraging the chapati to puff like a balloon.

Fold in half and store in a pot with a lid until dinner is ready.


  1. Kayla- now i know that u know how to make roti. im hindu, and ive only been to india once which was last summer. its a very beautiful country isnt it?
    its very different than being in in U.S?

    1. Kayla -I absolutely love it here. It is so beautiful and tropical in southern India. Everyone I meet is generous and welcoming. I have seen coffee plantations, fields of tea, the Arabian Sea and some of the most beautiful people in the world. Today is a Hindu Festival in Kerala. To honor one of the Hindu gods the Hindu students have taken all of their school books to the temple to offer their knowledge. They will bring them back to school when the festival ends. Do you celebrate this holiday?
