Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hidden Gems: Lunch Spots

 J.’s Kitchen

[ Taco Rice Okinawa Style ]

Norah has a keen sense for locating delicious food made locally and served at very cute eateries. On the day we were in Motobu visiting the aquarium she found J.’s Kitchen at the end of a leafy lane just in time for lunch. We parked in the gravel driveway and were greeted at the door by one of J.’s cats who was crying loudly in an effort to get in. We let him in.

[ the leafy lane ]

[ J.’s Suzuki Jimny parked out front ]

There were four tables inside, two cooks in the kitchen, and J. behind the bar. All the tables were full but one. We were in luck!! Every detail - from the polished concrete walls and wooden tabletops to the handmade glass water tumblers and the Jack Johnson playlist - created a welcome vibe. We both ordered the Taco Rice, a fusion of Mexican and American food that references the significant population of American marines living in Kin Town and other military bases on the island. My plate was served with a dollop of pulled pork atop warm rice with a side of avocado, spicy salsa, and pickled cabbage on a bed of lettuce. I also enjoyed a homemade apricot soda.

[ what? No alcohol in here?? ]

Our meal was very fresh and tasty and J. And his cats were delightful. 

[ This is J. ]

[ J.’s cats ]

On our outing today Norah directed us to a tiny Korean bulgogi “deli” during a heavy downpour of midday rain. Once inside we were greeted by a young Korean couple who opened the shop last year and decorated it themselves. Extreme cuteness. Another hidden gem!!

[ very friendly and confident signage! ]

[ instagram ready interior! ]

We both ordered the bulgogi - marinated beef and onions, rice, kimchi, bok choy, and japchae. So good!

[ Korean bulgogi ]

[ Norah tucks in ]

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