Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sea of Japan


A Day at the Sea

[ Glam shot with bath towel + linen shirt as hat ]

By the end of the week, Norah and I were desperate to find some cool water where we could float. The week in Niseko had been very hot, so hot that we closed the school for a half day on Thursday and Friday. There is no air conditioning in the building and classroom temperatures were hovering past 32°C. No amount of oscillating fan could improve the conditions! Similarly at our house, we were sweating it out with no AC just like everyone else in Niseko - the heat is higher than normal which clearly is a phenomenon affecting everyone on the planet earth right now. Anyway, Norah and I took to the beach. 

[ Tunnel along the coast near Rankoshi ]

[ Suttsu Bay, Sea of Japan ]

After about an hour of driving we reached the sea at the mouth of the Shiribetsu River. The juxtaposition of emerald blue sea and lush green mountains was thrilling to see. It was a gorgeous view. 

We drove for awhile, hoping to reach Shimamaki Beach, but ended up turning down a small road in the Suttsu District that lead to a wide cove near a campsite. We weren't sure we could reach the water from the road so I parked and Norah walked ahead to check the situation. Towering over the path were giant windmills silently spinning. It felt a little surreal. 

The sea was calm here, crystal clear, and the beach was empty except for one young mom and her son who were wading along the water's edge. Norah and I decided this was the spot to set up for the day. We got our chairs and cooler and books and settled in.

[ The beauty of this landscape! ]

[ Just look at those mountains behind me! ]

We spent a lot of the day floating. The salt water was very accommodating and buoyant! We snacked on sushi rolls and collected seashells and stared out at the scenery. The day was truly sublime. I feel refreshed and ready for the week. 

[ Quality time with my favorite girl ]

The next time we head this way we hope to make it all the way to Shimamaki Beach. There are still miles of coastline to explore. 

[ i have no words ]

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