Saturday, May 25, 2024

Spring Arrival - Gardening Series


Battle of the Bush Begins

The Ditch

Finally, in May, Spring has arrived. And let's just say that my khaki coverall Dickies are my new best friend. The fabric is light and airy and my garden suit protects me from bugs from head to toe. I feel very modern frontier when wearing it. Norah has an outfit too. Hers in chic black worn here as she surveys the ditch in front of our house with ominous intent. This is the day that we beat back the ditch in an attempt to keep it cleared for the summer months. As I recollect from my arrival in Japan last year, these ditch weeds are gonna grow to about six feet tall. I really do not know who will win this battle. 

Before we got started - the birth of the weeds

I began this ditch quest by riding my bike around the neighborhood to observe what other people did with their ditch. Most people had theirs cleared of weeds and some had planted daffodils that have been popping out for the last several weeks. I realized that we had a lot of work to do to clear the rogue grapevines, dwarf bamboo shoots, and other wildin' greenery that were encroaching on the front of the house. We spent a full day chopping, hacking, raking, and hauling debris to the back field.

This is me talking to the sprouting bamboo

Norah was expert with garden tools while in the ditch. She is my big weed strong(wo)man. We pulled out as many roots as possible but I dunno...this ditch seems pretty hellbent on putting up a fight. 

Putting some muscle on the weeds

I forgot to take a photo of the end result of our labors. I can tell you, though, that we pulled out every single weed from the ditch before we were done. I will leave you with a photo of how it looks now, two weeks later...

I'm powering up the weed wacker